
Memorial Day

We spent 4 days down in Savannah for Memorial Day weekend with my sister! They moved there 1 year ago for Pauls, my brother in law, job. Needless to say, they are doing great, really happy, have a super cute house, and are on Wilmington Island. They are about 10 min from Tybee Island where it is perfect to go to the beach. We swapped weekend nights of babysitting so that we could all have a date night. As always, we ended up at a pizza place b/c we are 5 year olds. Vinnie Van Go Gos is downtown if you are ever there.

It is amazing watching these little cousins grow up together. At first, it was just complete pandamonium when they were all 4 together. They are all 12 months apart. But, their ages range from 2-5 now and they are adorable together. They have actually learned to play together. That sounds silly, but kids have to learn to play (and play nicely) might i add together. They were so well behaved and the beach wore their little tails out. This picture is funny b/c they thought the jellyfish were mesmerizing. We didn't tell them they were dead. Dead ones don't sting though =)

This little hole in the wall was like something out of a Jerry Seinfield episode, specifically the Soup Nazi. It is called, the Breakfast Club on Tybee Island. It is only open from 7am to 1pm. You have to wait in a line outside until your party is sat and can only come inside then. If your children are misbehaved, they will ask you to leave. It is a celebrity hot spot, but the FOOD is AMAZING. It's worth the wait and worth bribing your kids, works lika charm.

Since Miss Mackenzie Sassy Pants is the only girl on both sides of our family, my sister loves buying her clothes! Thanks Aunt B for her Savannah outfit =) And yes, I chopped her hair off for the summer!

We had a blast and were sad to leave. Here is a pic of both of the kids when we left Savannah. This is always a good sign that they had fun, ha!

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