
I am a writer!

So, if you read my blog you know that I have an obsession with saving money and getting good deals. My blog is more of a place I want to document this phase of life being a stay at home mommy, so I just got a job writing for an online newspaper! They created a position for me to write about frugal living, nerdy I know. My official title is "Atlanta's Frugal Living Examiner." Above is my column picture....whats funny is I am actually 9 months pregnant in that one...shhhh, they don't know.

Please check out my articles, I am terrified no one will ever read them :) You can even subscribe if you like them and they will be emailed to you! Now I can just stick to my blog being about my crazy family and post good deals on this site!



Kelly G said...

how exciting!!

Ashley said...

That's so awesome! Don't worry; I'll read your articles! Good luck! :)

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Very cool, Jennifer!!!

natalie said...

This is fabulous! I've aleady subscribed!

Sara Price said...

Go you! I love reading your blogs about saving...I will definitely be checking out the articles!

Scott and Katie said...

That is so awesome. I will definitely read your articles.

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