Except instead of a chicken dinner, we won the house!!!!
Praise the Lord, we won our first bidding war! We are moving downtown Marietta and it will be our 2nd house renovation, blog and more details to follow!!
I think I may need to go buy a lottery ticket because our luck is on a roll- Tim took his exit exam yesterday and PASSED, he is done with school!!! David got cleared from wearing patches ever again and we were told his eyeglasses would go between ages 8 to 10. And today we won a house!!! There were 8 offers and ours got picked!
And if you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know the odds aren't in our favor! Well, I've got some renters to find and boxes to pack- here we go, back to renovation world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T- minus 30 days, Ay yi yi!!
So blessed today. And so thankful.
I got to work with my aunt again this week, which is always a blessing, and I always walk away with a life lesson. The details of the job are somewhat private b/c you are dealing with large corporations and issues within. I got confronted by a the leader of a protesting group who was against the company I was with. I don't know why I was singled out, but he walked up and said, "What are you so happy about?" I smiled. And retorted back, "Well, what really keeps you from being happy anyway?" To which he used it as a platform to voice his life mission (literally) complaint about the most menial, pointless things that are all ultimately having no eternal significance whatsoever. Like buildings and their location. Seriously. Anger about the location of a building. I lastly said to him, "At the end of the day, is what you are investing your time in really that important? Will it affect the next generation? I am a mother. The job of raising lives is what God has given me to invest in right now. Lives matter, not buildings." Needless to say, I got a very blank stare. Then I walked away because let-me-tell-you-what, I can win an argument. All. Day. Long.
But, it got me thinking.... Not only was this dude for real, there are many people chasing just as empty of a dream as he is. They are not full time protestors, but they are our next door neighbors. And they are caught up in the material aspect of this life.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Ro 10:14
Tim and I are really passionate people. We always think really big and see that picture. Screw the details to get there, but we know where we want to go!!
I think one thing that really sets our life apart is that we feel like we are on a mission. And that is our main thing. We were in full time college ministry for 2 years and raised every dollar of support we lived on. I could have done it for the rest of my life. Tim's ultimate dream is to have his business one day to where he could incorporate missions and use his gifts to sustain our living. Kind of old testament "tent-making" living.
We never want our life to become about us. And about having a cookie cut out house, family, cars, and clothes... I think "American Dream" says that you will find happiness with a husband, children, home, job, ect.
We have never bought into that. I think it's the biggest lie out there. Because. Life wasn't created to be all about you. And all about what you want. And all about the pursuit of getting it.
Values you want to instill in your children aren't just talked about, they are lived out in front of them. What do your children see your life revolving around?
In general, I've just become so aware of having a thankful heart. Ann Voskamp's book, 1000 Gifts is really a game changer for your outlook on life. It is SO completely your attitude and heart and asking God to change it.
Why are you here? Is it for the collection of this "dream?" I hope to spare some people of spending their whole life chasing something that will never fulfill them anyway. You have to have passion and drive. For Tim and I, just hitting status quo and stopping at our house and famly- that sounds like the most boring life anyone could ever live. And a very, very selfish life. That was just all about you. And getting everything you wanted- you can ask Christ to make your life about more than that. And He will.
I'm preaching to the choir with this, its the battle of every persons heart. I just challenge you to DREAM BIGGER. Instead of caring about what is going in your own 4 walls, what about what is going on in the 4 walls that live next to you? Across from you? What about the families your children are going to school with? What about the families your husband is working with?
Many people want to go overseas or do something "radical" to have a ministry, but no one wants to just walk across the street. People are called to do different things, but I believe the hardest ministry sometimes is with the very people God has put you in community with.
We feel we have a very specific calling on our life. Plain and simple: it's not about us. Ask Jesus to EMPOWER you. We always talk at our church about finding your "deal" that God has given you. Ours is outreach. It's messy. And dirty. And people tell you things you don't want to lay in your bed at night thinking about. It's more fun to talk about vacation, school, your favorite store, mine is LOFT, or recipes.....and that is safe. Ask God to help you break ground with people, let them see your life revolves around Christ. ....... bake some cookies and ask how things are really going to a neighbor, leave early for things so when you get there you can actually have a conversation with someone about something that matters and not come in flustered and late, ask someone to lunch.... everyone has to eat it and for many mothers of preschoolers it is the worst meal of the day, have a playdate, share a struggle, share a loss, open your heart to strangers.
Let them see your life is not about material. When they can see transparency, they can see Jesus.
Will you join in this wonderful Great Commission? Not just donating your money, writing a check to your church, having a fundraiser for a mission trip. Those are good. But, we are the hands and feet. I NEVER want our generation to loose sight of being the hands and feet of the gospel and spreading the words of Jesus with our mouth. NEVER let guilt motivate you- fear, guilt, and lies are from the enemy. Jesus and His love for you will help you to love outside yourself.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age Matt. 28
It starts with one word. Go.
But, it got me thinking.... Not only was this dude for real, there are many people chasing just as empty of a dream as he is. They are not full time protestors, but they are our next door neighbors. And they are caught up in the material aspect of this life.
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Ro 10:14
Tim and I are really passionate people. We always think really big and see that picture. Screw the details to get there, but we know where we want to go!!
I think one thing that really sets our life apart is that we feel like we are on a mission. And that is our main thing. We were in full time college ministry for 2 years and raised every dollar of support we lived on. I could have done it for the rest of my life. Tim's ultimate dream is to have his business one day to where he could incorporate missions and use his gifts to sustain our living. Kind of old testament "tent-making" living.
We never want our life to become about us. And about having a cookie cut out house, family, cars, and clothes... I think "American Dream" says that you will find happiness with a husband, children, home, job, ect.
We have never bought into that. I think it's the biggest lie out there. Because. Life wasn't created to be all about you. And all about what you want. And all about the pursuit of getting it.
Values you want to instill in your children aren't just talked about, they are lived out in front of them. What do your children see your life revolving around?
In general, I've just become so aware of having a thankful heart. Ann Voskamp's book, 1000 Gifts is really a game changer for your outlook on life. It is SO completely your attitude and heart and asking God to change it.
Why are you here? Is it for the collection of this "dream?" I hope to spare some people of spending their whole life chasing something that will never fulfill them anyway. You have to have passion and drive. For Tim and I, just hitting status quo and stopping at our house and famly- that sounds like the most boring life anyone could ever live. And a very, very selfish life. That was just all about you. And getting everything you wanted- you can ask Christ to make your life about more than that. And He will.
I'm preaching to the choir with this, its the battle of every persons heart. I just challenge you to DREAM BIGGER. Instead of caring about what is going in your own 4 walls, what about what is going on in the 4 walls that live next to you? Across from you? What about the families your children are going to school with? What about the families your husband is working with?
Many people want to go overseas or do something "radical" to have a ministry, but no one wants to just walk across the street. People are called to do different things, but I believe the hardest ministry sometimes is with the very people God has put you in community with.
We feel we have a very specific calling on our life. Plain and simple: it's not about us. Ask Jesus to EMPOWER you. We always talk at our church about finding your "deal" that God has given you. Ours is outreach. It's messy. And dirty. And people tell you things you don't want to lay in your bed at night thinking about. It's more fun to talk about vacation, school, your favorite store, mine is LOFT, or recipes.....and that is safe. Ask God to help you break ground with people, let them see your life revolves around Christ. ....... bake some cookies and ask how things are really going to a neighbor, leave early for things so when you get there you can actually have a conversation with someone about something that matters and not come in flustered and late, ask someone to lunch.... everyone has to eat it and for many mothers of preschoolers it is the worst meal of the day, have a playdate, share a struggle, share a loss, open your heart to strangers.
Let them see your life is not about material. When they can see transparency, they can see Jesus.
Will you join in this wonderful Great Commission? Not just donating your money, writing a check to your church, having a fundraiser for a mission trip. Those are good. But, we are the hands and feet. I NEVER want our generation to loose sight of being the hands and feet of the gospel and spreading the words of Jesus with our mouth. NEVER let guilt motivate you- fear, guilt, and lies are from the enemy. Jesus and His love for you will help you to love outside yourself.
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age Matt. 28
It starts with one word. Go.
A moment.
Isn't it funny how just the mere factor of time can play out so many plans?
Like a short amount of time. Can answer all kinds of questions. It almost seems unfair sometimes that within 24-48 hours plans can either go from one extreme to the next.
We are in the middle of a bidding war on a house that we found. I can't give any details, especially on the internet, but we will know an answer on Wednesday, possibly Friday, who the "winner" is.
Crazy, right? I've never been in a bidding war before on an investment property. Its just crazy-can't-wrap-my-head-around-it that in a little over 24-72 hours we will either be packing our house up to move within 30 days. Or we will start our search over and wait patiently for the house we are supposed to have.
Time. It's so powerful. And so telling. I feel like I felt the day before an ultrasound. In one moment, one scan, one appointment.... I would find out if I was carrying a healthy baby and we would add to our family. Or if I would go home, grieve the loss, and deal with losing a baby. Just from one moment, that tells you the next directional path.
We have been the recipients of waiting for houses to sell, deals to close, ultrasounds to see, a verdict to be given, a diagnosis to be determined, a job interview to hear back from, a relationship to move forward, and I could go on.
What do you do in those moments? Of life? Real life?
They are so powerful. The power of a moment.
How life altering moments can be and pivotal in our walk.
To be anxious or not to be anxious? We know God says to not be anxious about anything.
To worry or not to worry? We know God says to not worry about tomorrow.
It's definitely all easier said than done, but do you know what happens when God gives you the blessing of trial and perseverance?
You learn to persevere. The only way to learn perseverance is to actually persevere. Doesn't matter what you think you know, knowing something and then living something are very different.
It is in these moments that I identify with Paul and count it as pure joy when our faith is tested. God has blessed us in ridiculous ways. We have also seen God say no. And we have had plenty of disappointment. We will continue to stand up under trial and under waiting and not give way to the enemy. I remember telling people 10 years ago I would love to write a book one day. In my ignorance and lack of any real life problems or experience, I thought it was on my own merits of living right that I could show others how to live. Many have heard the saying, "If you want to write a book, you must live a book first." Yeah, that's definitely true. I am thankful for what God has and is letting us experience because I know both Tim and I are apart of a much bigger picture he is painting for us. And mission- but that's another blogpost!
These moments of waiting often bring back other times we have waited. And I am reminded, God shows up. He is who are faith and eternity are in. While this earth is passing away, His kingdom isn't. His words and ways will leave a permanent mark on our heart.
I think that it is those marks on our heart, not our life circumstance or what we have... that I begin to grasp what life is really all about.
Like a short amount of time. Can answer all kinds of questions. It almost seems unfair sometimes that within 24-48 hours plans can either go from one extreme to the next.
We are in the middle of a bidding war on a house that we found. I can't give any details, especially on the internet, but we will know an answer on Wednesday, possibly Friday, who the "winner" is.
Crazy, right? I've never been in a bidding war before on an investment property. Its just crazy-can't-wrap-my-head-around-it that in a little over 24-72 hours we will either be packing our house up to move within 30 days. Or we will start our search over and wait patiently for the house we are supposed to have.
Time. It's so powerful. And so telling. I feel like I felt the day before an ultrasound. In one moment, one scan, one appointment.... I would find out if I was carrying a healthy baby and we would add to our family. Or if I would go home, grieve the loss, and deal with losing a baby. Just from one moment, that tells you the next directional path.
We have been the recipients of waiting for houses to sell, deals to close, ultrasounds to see, a verdict to be given, a diagnosis to be determined, a job interview to hear back from, a relationship to move forward, and I could go on.
What do you do in those moments? Of life? Real life?
They are so powerful. The power of a moment.
How life altering moments can be and pivotal in our walk.
To be anxious or not to be anxious? We know God says to not be anxious about anything.
To worry or not to worry? We know God says to not worry about tomorrow.
It's definitely all easier said than done, but do you know what happens when God gives you the blessing of trial and perseverance?
You learn to persevere. The only way to learn perseverance is to actually persevere. Doesn't matter what you think you know, knowing something and then living something are very different.
It is in these moments that I identify with Paul and count it as pure joy when our faith is tested. God has blessed us in ridiculous ways. We have also seen God say no. And we have had plenty of disappointment. We will continue to stand up under trial and under waiting and not give way to the enemy. I remember telling people 10 years ago I would love to write a book one day. In my ignorance and lack of any real life problems or experience, I thought it was on my own merits of living right that I could show others how to live. Many have heard the saying, "If you want to write a book, you must live a book first." Yeah, that's definitely true. I am thankful for what God has and is letting us experience because I know both Tim and I are apart of a much bigger picture he is painting for us. And mission- but that's another blogpost!
These moments of waiting often bring back other times we have waited. And I am reminded, God shows up. He is who are faith and eternity are in. While this earth is passing away, His kingdom isn't. His words and ways will leave a permanent mark on our heart.
I think that it is those marks on our heart, not our life circumstance or what we have... that I begin to grasp what life is really all about.
Laugh today.
Thought everyone might be need to laugh a little bit today, after all.. it is the best medicine out there!
Tuesday Toddler Talk
Mommy- Hey guys, where is daddy?
david- He's working.
Mommy- What does daddy do at work?
david- goes to the potty, goes to savannah, talks to people... and fixes people so they aren't hot
Mommy- what does mommy do?
mackenzie- goes to Vegas, cooks, cleans the table and throw up (amen after last week).
Mommy- do you have a sibling?
mackenzie- No. I don't have those or any bugbites.
Mommy- where do we go during the day?
david- the bouncehouse
mackenzie- disney world, puglicks (publix), and to get flushies (slushies) at Ritas
What are your favorite colors?
david- red and black
mackenzie- pink, purple, and red
Mommy- What do you guys know about Jesus?
david- oh..... i know him. He's God. And He helps us.
mackenzie- He keeps us from getting in fights and our teeth from falling out
Mommy- Guys, remember we are moving soon? Why are we?
david- because i want a fireplace
mackenzie- because we are keeping Nellie Mae forever but going to let another family live here
(impressed my little 3 year old understands a rental, ha! maybe a future realtor?!)
Mommy- It's almost summertime, what are we gonna do?
mackenzie- play with ladybugs, bake cookies, and use the sprinkler on me
david- Popsicles.
Well, that is life according to the little Willis' over here! Its all fun, games, slushies, and cookies!
Life according to the big Willis' haven't been as much fun as them, ha! Tim has 2 weeks left until graduation and his work has ramped up! We are getting ready to rent out Nellie Mae. We are also waiting for a specific foreclosure to hit the market for the past month and it is making a few of my hairs turn grey. We also had every sickness in Marietta make its way to our house and take out everyone but Tim! I forgot what it was like to be sick and take care of 2 sick kids. And throw up. Oh.
I always love my chats with the kiddos b/c what they see is so different from what we see...... Love that on so many levels and it's what continues to make us laid back in the midst of the turbulence that always comes our way!
david- He's working.
Mommy- What does daddy do at work?
david- goes to the potty, goes to savannah, talks to people... and fixes people so they aren't hot
Mommy- what does mommy do?
mackenzie- goes to Vegas, cooks, cleans the table and throw up (amen after last week).
Mommy- do you have a sibling?
mackenzie- No. I don't have those or any bugbites.
Mommy- where do we go during the day?
david- the bouncehouse
mackenzie- disney world, puglicks (publix), and to get flushies (slushies) at Ritas
What are your favorite colors?
david- red and black
mackenzie- pink, purple, and red
Mommy- What do you guys know about Jesus?
david- oh..... i know him. He's God. And He helps us.
mackenzie- He keeps us from getting in fights and our teeth from falling out
Mommy- Guys, remember we are moving soon? Why are we?
david- because i want a fireplace
mackenzie- because we are keeping Nellie Mae forever but going to let another family live here
(impressed my little 3 year old understands a rental, ha! maybe a future realtor?!)
Mommy- It's almost summertime, what are we gonna do?
mackenzie- play with ladybugs, bake cookies, and use the sprinkler on me
david- Popsicles.
Well, that is life according to the little Willis' over here! Its all fun, games, slushies, and cookies!
Life according to the big Willis' haven't been as much fun as them, ha! Tim has 2 weeks left until graduation and his work has ramped up! We are getting ready to rent out Nellie Mae. We are also waiting for a specific foreclosure to hit the market for the past month and it is making a few of my hairs turn grey. We also had every sickness in Marietta make its way to our house and take out everyone but Tim! I forgot what it was like to be sick and take care of 2 sick kids. And throw up. Oh.
I always love my chats with the kiddos b/c what they see is so different from what we see...... Love that on so many levels and it's what continues to make us laid back in the midst of the turbulence that always comes our way!
Mice. Win. Again.
Only my long time followers will get my title post and the humor behind that. If you would like to read the awesome time that mice first took over- please read this post- it is insanity.
One day when I am 60, I can't wait to read all these stories that have happened to our family. It is un-real. But, what I have learned it that it is consistently unreal and a huge adventure God is in the middle of taking our family on!
So Day 1 of Spring Break. Thought we would take it pretty easy since I am recovering from a 4 day stomach bug =( I'm gonna go ahead and count that as a fail.
The kids and I head outside this morning and plan on having a yard day, with light work involved. Pulling weeds, laying some pine straw, planting a few flowers, and vegetables, spraying for bugs, and cleaning out the shed a little.
Okay, re- reading that maybe I did bite off a little more than I could chew with my 2 preschoolers, but they LOVE being outdoors. And so do I. Anyway, we start out with a list for inventory of what we are going to need at Home Depot. I open the shed and see what we need! There was a wheel barrow to my right with some drop cloths, so I picked up the cloths to pull out my wheel barrow for planting. I start hearing tiny squeaking. I immediately said, "Kids! Come quick! We have baby birds in here!! Shhh!!!"
So we all huddle around the wheel barrow. I lift up the cloth. And holy freaking cow there are baby mice everywhere and a mom and a dad- hell, it could have been 2 moms with all the babies on a playdate because they were going nuts. I SHRIEK. I'm talking neighbors-might-be-thinking-im-getting-stabbed SHRIEK. I may have momentarily blacked out, but as soon as I was with it, both of my kids are just peering over the wheel barrow watching. I run back and grab them and as I do, one of the adult mice jumps out of the wheel barrow onto the floor and darts off. I throw myself and kids into the van parked in front of the shed and shut the doors and if being chased by a coyote! As I call Tim frantically I see the other adult mouse jump out with a BABY in its MOUTH! Are you kidding me?! I then watch the other one come back and they are suddenly declaring exodus on the wheel barrow and taking their home and babies elsewhere! It's like some kind of horror movie. When Tim finally answers and finally calms me down enough to make sense that all I am calling him about is some mice. that are outside. he tells me he is on a rooftop fixing an air conditioning and he is gonna have to call me back. and to leave the mice alone that he will deal with it.
I stew. I am not letting these mice ruin my day. I leave the house. We go to home depot. I guess what we need b/c there is no way I was doing inventory anymore. I tell my sob story to a few people at the store. To the bug man on aisle 1. To anyone that will tell me that it is going to be okay. And that this isn't the first time mice have invaded my space. And my day. And my life.
I call the pet store. Ask them if they want some mice. They are not interested and quickly get me off the phone.
I call a few friends in the store. One told me to burn the shed down. One told me to go and stay at a hotel. After realizing that Tim may check me into an insane asylum if i pursue either of those, I decide to head home and that I will take them on. We have no yard crew- my husband is at work- I will do it. They are vermin. And disease carrying. I want them out. And I will do it.
We pull up and I decide whatever is left in the wheel barrow is about to be flung into the woods. The mice have had enough time to leave, and if not, they are all on their way out. And I would just leave the wheel barrow until next spring. I ask the children to stand back and I grabbed it, screamed, and ran as fast as I could across the yard into the woods. Like a total psycho. Can you imagine driving by and seeing a crazy woman screaming and pushing her wheel barrow as fast as possible straight into the woods?
We were finally able to move onto the yard work. And I just should have tabled that. I was already completely exhausted from being sick, having a heartache from discovering a mice nest, and then my trip to home depot with both of my kids. David wanting to touch and ride every lawn mower, grab the sharp yard tools, and was trying to climb the fertilizer stacks at the check out. Mackenzie loves to wander off, pull petals of the flowers for sale, and find all the puddles in the garden section and stomp them.
I put everyone to bed for a nap and told them mommy needed a time-out. Really, I just wanted a nice, quiet yard to plant my flowers. Luckily, Tim called and was able to make me feel normal and that he was almost off. Which for the first time in our whole married lives, actually means he really is almost off. Hallelujah!
The end of the day ended lovely. We grilled out, went out for ice cream, and the scarred visions of the mice became a little blurry.
Watch out for those mice. They come like satan. A thief in the night.
One day when I am 60, I can't wait to read all these stories that have happened to our family. It is un-real. But, what I have learned it that it is consistently unreal and a huge adventure God is in the middle of taking our family on!
So Day 1 of Spring Break. Thought we would take it pretty easy since I am recovering from a 4 day stomach bug =( I'm gonna go ahead and count that as a fail.
The kids and I head outside this morning and plan on having a yard day, with light work involved. Pulling weeds, laying some pine straw, planting a few flowers, and vegetables, spraying for bugs, and cleaning out the shed a little.
Okay, re- reading that maybe I did bite off a little more than I could chew with my 2 preschoolers, but they LOVE being outdoors. And so do I. Anyway, we start out with a list for inventory of what we are going to need at Home Depot. I open the shed and see what we need! There was a wheel barrow to my right with some drop cloths, so I picked up the cloths to pull out my wheel barrow for planting. I start hearing tiny squeaking. I immediately said, "Kids! Come quick! We have baby birds in here!! Shhh!!!"
So we all huddle around the wheel barrow. I lift up the cloth. And holy freaking cow there are baby mice everywhere and a mom and a dad- hell, it could have been 2 moms with all the babies on a playdate because they were going nuts. I SHRIEK. I'm talking neighbors-might-be-thinking-im-getting-stabbed SHRIEK. I may have momentarily blacked out, but as soon as I was with it, both of my kids are just peering over the wheel barrow watching. I run back and grab them and as I do, one of the adult mice jumps out of the wheel barrow onto the floor and darts off. I throw myself and kids into the van parked in front of the shed and shut the doors and if being chased by a coyote! As I call Tim frantically I see the other adult mouse jump out with a BABY in its MOUTH! Are you kidding me?! I then watch the other one come back and they are suddenly declaring exodus on the wheel barrow and taking their home and babies elsewhere! It's like some kind of horror movie. When Tim finally answers and finally calms me down enough to make sense that all I am calling him about is some mice. that are outside. he tells me he is on a rooftop fixing an air conditioning and he is gonna have to call me back. and to leave the mice alone that he will deal with it.
I stew. I am not letting these mice ruin my day. I leave the house. We go to home depot. I guess what we need b/c there is no way I was doing inventory anymore. I tell my sob story to a few people at the store. To the bug man on aisle 1. To anyone that will tell me that it is going to be okay. And that this isn't the first time mice have invaded my space. And my day. And my life.
I call the pet store. Ask them if they want some mice. They are not interested and quickly get me off the phone.
I call a few friends in the store. One told me to burn the shed down. One told me to go and stay at a hotel. After realizing that Tim may check me into an insane asylum if i pursue either of those, I decide to head home and that I will take them on. We have no yard crew- my husband is at work- I will do it. They are vermin. And disease carrying. I want them out. And I will do it.
We pull up and I decide whatever is left in the wheel barrow is about to be flung into the woods. The mice have had enough time to leave, and if not, they are all on their way out. And I would just leave the wheel barrow until next spring. I ask the children to stand back and I grabbed it, screamed, and ran as fast as I could across the yard into the woods. Like a total psycho. Can you imagine driving by and seeing a crazy woman screaming and pushing her wheel barrow as fast as possible straight into the woods?
We were finally able to move onto the yard work. And I just should have tabled that. I was already completely exhausted from being sick, having a heartache from discovering a mice nest, and then my trip to home depot with both of my kids. David wanting to touch and ride every lawn mower, grab the sharp yard tools, and was trying to climb the fertilizer stacks at the check out. Mackenzie loves to wander off, pull petals of the flowers for sale, and find all the puddles in the garden section and stomp them.
I put everyone to bed for a nap and told them mommy needed a time-out. Really, I just wanted a nice, quiet yard to plant my flowers. Luckily, Tim called and was able to make me feel normal and that he was almost off. Which for the first time in our whole married lives, actually means he really is almost off. Hallelujah!
The end of the day ended lovely. We grilled out, went out for ice cream, and the scarred visions of the mice became a little blurry.
Watch out for those mice. They come like satan. A thief in the night.
Video Post #2 - fixed!
Finally figured out how to post a video.... apparently it's rocket science!
Stomach flu/Food poisoning/Something awful took me out Wednesday night. So far its just hit me and for that I am thankful. Kids are with Momo and Mimi and for that I am thankful.
The only other thing positive about being flat on my back for 48 hours? I did catch up on the Mother's Bible Study I have been in, it's called Motherwise. I have never been more thankful for this international ministry and to be in a community of mothers at our church! Tim and I were both raised in christian homes with parents married 30+ years so this study has helped put truth behind our childhood and we are so blessed by the long term fruit of it.
I also decided to pull out the videos I have been taking at the kids baseball and ballet. I can't tell you how much fun it is to have these little people- our lives are full of joy. They are my 2 greatest gifts.
First video: Davids 2nd baseball game. They get 3 pitches, but no one strikes out- they will bring out a T and let them hit it if they miss all 3 balls. It's really adorable and I love Mt. Paran makes them feel like they win no matter what. I do apologize for my voice in the background. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is him not paying attention and getting smacked in the face with the ball and his glasses hurting him :/ Tim and I position ourselves at different places to make sure he keeps focusing! He also used to hit the ball and then just stop and watch it, thus getting out on first base.... hence, me yelling "RUN DAVID RUN!!" So proud of my little buddy.
Stomach flu/Food poisoning/Something awful took me out Wednesday night. So far its just hit me and for that I am thankful. Kids are with Momo and Mimi and for that I am thankful.
The only other thing positive about being flat on my back for 48 hours? I did catch up on the Mother's Bible Study I have been in, it's called Motherwise. I have never been more thankful for this international ministry and to be in a community of mothers at our church! Tim and I were both raised in christian homes with parents married 30+ years so this study has helped put truth behind our childhood and we are so blessed by the long term fruit of it.
I also decided to pull out the videos I have been taking at the kids baseball and ballet. I can't tell you how much fun it is to have these little people- our lives are full of joy. They are my 2 greatest gifts.
First video: Davids 2nd baseball game. They get 3 pitches, but no one strikes out- they will bring out a T and let them hit it if they miss all 3 balls. It's really adorable and I love Mt. Paran makes them feel like they win no matter what. I do apologize for my voice in the background. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is him not paying attention and getting smacked in the face with the ball and his glasses hurting him :/ Tim and I position ourselves at different places to make sure he keeps focusing! He also used to hit the ball and then just stop and watch it, thus getting out on first base.... hence, me yelling "RUN DAVID RUN!!" So proud of my little buddy.
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