
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Except instead of a chicken dinner, we won the house!!!!

Praise the Lord, we won our first bidding war! We are moving downtown Marietta and it will be our 2nd house renovation, blog and more details to follow!!

I think I may need to go buy a lottery ticket because our luck is on a roll- Tim took his exit exam yesterday and PASSED, he is done with school!!! David got cleared from wearing patches ever again and we were told his eyeglasses would go between ages 8 to 10. And today we won a house!!! There were 8 offers and ours got picked!
And if you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know the odds aren't in our favor! Well, I've got some renters to find and boxes to pack- here we go, back to renovation world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T- minus 30 days, Ay yi yi!!

So blessed today. And so thankful.


The Riddle's said...


Jacob and Jessica Willis said...

So excited about this new journey! Happy for you guys! :)

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