
Be Super.

Okay, if you know me... you know I'm not a health freak. I think I've only had a few eyebrows raised at me and have had one person tell me I'm a hippie.

Anyway, I have really been trying to create a life my kids will remember! I want to raise a God-centered family and sometimes it takes a lot out on the mommy having babies, raising toddlers, meal planning, scheduling, appointments, and then throw on all the household chores!

The more organized I have become here, the more efficient our household runs. Also, the more I get poured into (by my husband, bible studies, reading) the better wife and mother I am. Along side of that, the better I take care of myself mentally and physically, the even BETTER wife and mom I can be. So, I have been setting our household on these simple elements and it has been wonderful!

My progress so far has been:
1. Plugging In, get your self connected with other moms and christians
2. Organize now. Don't put it off, throw away, donate, clean out, and get a system
3. Read. We joined our public library and go weekly to get books, movies, ect.
4. Exercise. Okay, some days this is cardio from vacuuming, mopping, or rocking a child
5. Eat Super. This is my list below of super foods that we have been loving.
Blueberries, cranberries, raspberries
Coconut/ coconut oil
Cocao- chocolate bars that are at least 75% cocao
Peanut Butter
Tea (green or black)

Most of them you can get creative with, but here are a few ideas.

1. My kids don't like blueberries, but you can blend them up and make smoothies- banana, yogurt, throw in some blueberries!
2. I hide spinach in everything. Chop it up finely and throw it in scrambled eggs, a casserole, or last night i hide it in their quesadillas. It's tasteless.
3. I have a cup of green tea every morning.
4. Walnuts- same thing. Chop them up and put them in cookies. You can puree this stuff too so it's completely invisible.
5. We've also replaced our regular milk with Almond Milk. Just for cereals and recipes... its not so great to chug down a glass. The kids didnt even notice.
6. Anytime we have Mexican... get some guacomole and you can hide it in tacos! So easy to make
Here is a chocolate chip cookie recipe using garbanzo beans (chick peas) from Jessica Seinfields Deceptively Delcious cookbook.
Super Foods are basically how you get the most bang for your buck and pack in your punch. They are loaded with huge amounts of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3s.
They have been proven to reduce cholestoral, risks of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and even put you in a better mood!!

So, if you call and ask me to go to McDonalds, I'll always say yes. But, if you come to my house for dinner.... it's going to be SUPER!!

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